I’m on a mission to help women struggling with acne and other inflammatory skin conditions to understand what their skin is trying to tell them and live a life in sync with their skin.
Struggling with breakouts as a teen I just accepted it
I had always struggled with my skin and as a teen made the mistake running straight to the GP and blindly taking everything they prescribed - months and months on antibiotics, topical creams and eventually the pill. Though I did enquire if there was anything I could change diet wise, my GP dismissed the idea that my diet and lifestyle were linked to my skin. After a few years on the pill I stopped taking it and my skin seemed ok - hurrah I thought, was just puberty giving my skin grief.
However within the year as I started my nutritional therapy degree, breakouts returned. Though the spots felt different this time, being mainly on the cheeks which was new to me, I put it down to stress and hoped that it would calm down once my dissertation got handed in. But graduation came and went, and my acne didn’t seem to have any plans to leave. There I was, starting my nutritional therapy career, with a face full of acne. I had waited soo long to open my clinic, but felt completely frozen and fearful that nobody would take me seriously. I panicked.

I tried everything. I even went back on the pill knowing that it wasn’t a lasting solution and could be doing more damage than good. After popping every supplement associated with acne, endless and expensive dermatologist treatments and GP appointments where they could only offer me a range of very strong (and potentially dangerous medication) to try I finally broke.
Why was nothing working? I’d done everything I was ‘supposed’ to do; every diet, supplement, skin care and acne medication I could get my hands on. Even when traveling abroad for my yoga teacher training to live what I thought was a “healthy” lifestyle my skin was having a full blown acne adult meltdown and to make it worse I was noticing other areas of my health declining.
Looking back now, I can clearly see that although I had all the tools in front of me I still believed I would never be able to heal my skin. I didn’t have the right mindset for healing to take place.
A change in attitude to my acne was the turning point for my skin
After running retreats in Central America for two years and my acne being at it’s peak, I returned home to the UK and committed to understanding the root causes of my acne. I started to consider what role our environment has on our health and skin and promised myself to give my skin time to heal. Up until then, if I hadn’t see improvements within a month of a new treatment protocol I ditched it and was on to the next fad.
But by now I’d had consistent adult acne for 5+ years, I could at least give my body two years to try and heal itself. I was finally ready to play the long game.
Turns out I didn’t need to give myself such a long window, within 3 months I was already starting to see huge changes. Functional testing had taken a lot of the guess work out of my acne and I was now able to directly target my unique root causes and triggers.
What I hadn’t anticipated was the changes in my skin being mirrored in my relationships, digestion, periods and mood. I realised that in order to get to the route cause of acne there is SO much more work to be done than just popping pills and eliminating foods. Acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema and psoriasis have to be approached holistically. It was then that I devised my 3 pillars to healthy skin: Body, Mind and Environment.

In the process of healing my own skin I started to experience a whole range of other benefits and life transformations and knew that I wanted to help others do the same.

And so True Skin Nutrition was born
I now run my own private virtual clinic True Skin Nutrition and devote myself to helping other women with their skin and health troubles. Having once been scared to specialise in acne in case my skin got ‘bad’ again, I’m now at a place where I don’t allow my skin to hold me back and am passionate about helping other acne sufferers do the same.
Educating and empowering women on how to optimise their skin and health is at the core of True Skin Nutrition. Taking a holistic approach means you won’t just be learning how to improve the health of your skin, but we will also cover your hormones, gut health, brain health, stress management, longevity and so much more.
Nothing about what I teach is faddish or extreme but the practical application of 10+ years studying, continual learning, training and CPD mentoring.
I still get the odd breakout and I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother me, but I never let it get in the way of my life. I don’t see a breakout as a failure but as an opportunity to learn more about my health, lifestyle and mindset.
Nutrigenomics Practitioner Programme, Lifecode Gx 2024
Body Listening - an introduction to Deep Bodywork and Body Psychotherapy with Brighton School for Embodied Therapy, 2024
Advanced Case Study Mentoring with Tanya Borowski, 2023
Affiliate Mentoring Programme with Tanya Borowski, 2022
Navigating the Web of Female Hormones with Tanya Borowski and Lifecode Gx, 2021
Demystifying SIBO with Dr Jason Hawrelak, 2020
dnalife Nutrigenomics Counsellor, 2018
AFMCP-Graduate, Institute of Functional Medicine, 2018
SIBO: Clinical Strategies with Dr Allison Siebecker, 2017
Yoga for Eating Disorders Training, Minded Institute, 2016
2.1 BSc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy, University of Westminster, 2015
My skin journey - if i can do it, you can too
Your skin is a symptom of something deeper going on internally, this needs to be assessed in the wider context of your health, diet and lifestyle.
I have created 4 PILLARS which I assess acne through: BODY, MIND, HEART and ENVIRONMENT and my job is to find out where your root causes and triggers lie within each of these areas.
Of all of the clients I have supported with their skin not a single one of them had the same programme.
Included in True Skin Transformation is my time ‘behind the scenes’ researching your case and creating a bespoke programme aligned with your values, lifestyle and goals. For every 1 hour we spend in consultations, I spend the same and more working on your case behind the scenes.
Functional and nutrigenomic testing allows us to avoid the guesswork and get straight to the root of the problem. An initial blood test is recommended allowing us to cast the net wide across multiple body systems looking for your root causes. Other popular tests include DNA, stool and hormone testing.
It’s time to put an end to tackling your skin on your own, or with practitioners that don’t take the time to get to know you, or have any idea about living with a chronic inflammatory skin condition.
True Skin Transformation gives you access to a fantastic team of skin experts and enthusiasts who have all had their own skin journey and can’t wait to help you on yours.

Together we will unlock your acne and start living a life in sync with your skin.