Are you making these 3 mistakes with your acne or rosacea?

I know I know, you are reading all the blogs, following all the advice. You eat a healthy diet, you workout, you’re doing your skincare….but yet your skin continues to flare and breakout.

Despite all your hard work, something still isn’t right, is it that you are making these common mistakes?

MISTAKE 1. Believing treating your acne or rosacea topically will work and not connecting what's going on with your skin to what's going on inside your body.

Now we know the skin is a marker of our health. So why do we still not link it to our overall health? This is a real failure, I believe, in modern dermatology to not be making more of a connection between what's going on internally to what's going on externally.

And believe me I don't blame you for believing that things your acne or rosacea can only be healed topically, I used to think that too! I bet that so far that's what you've been offered through your healthcare provider, and your dermatologist might have even ruled out that there is any possibility that what your eat or your lifestyle can have an impact on your skin - that’s what they told me!

And you might have had some success with topical treatments, but they only work for so long because they aren’t treating the root cause.

The sad thing is is that to actually believe that healing your skin doesn't rely on products is a pretty radical way of thinking. If you look at the skincare industry at the moment it is just bursting with companies promising you crystal clear skin with their 10 step routine.

What’s going on with your skin is linked to how your body is feeling and functioning. These are the most common symptoms I see running alongside acne and rosacea:

ACNE: Anxiety, Bloating, loose bowel / constipation, depression, PMS, PMDD, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, irregular cycles / PCOS, endometriosis, insulin resistance

ROSACEA: H pylori, migraines, PMS, anxiety, chronic inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, rashes, eczema

If you are experiencing any one of these alongside your skin, whatever successes you have with topical products are likely to be short lived until you focus on addressing these symptoms too. That’s exactly what we do inside True Skin Transformation and why we have a 100% success rate for acne.

MISTAKE 2: Blaming it all on your hormones and believing they will get better on their own.

I’m sorry but there are only 2 time points where I would say that is likely to happen and that is breakouts during your teens, post pill acne (though this can take several years).

Hormones are so often the fallout guy; absolutely our hormones play a central role in how we think, how we feel, how we look, how we behave. But what I get really frustrated here is that it's not just our sex hormones that feed into acne and rosacea. But they're the ones that get all the blame. But they are just a handful of over 50 hormones that our body makes and is responsible for all of our bodily functions on a day to day basis. So again, we need to think holistically when we're thinking about hormones.

Our hormones are like actors on a stage. And so we have to think about how we are setting up that stage with our diet, with our lifestyle, with our movement, with our stress management, with our sleep, with our rest, with our sense of connection with how much fun we're having, how much joy we have in our lives. This is how we set up a stage. And this is the work that I do with my clients, and then the hormones will behave well, and we won't have such awful PMS or breakouts.

MISTAKE 3: Guessing what's causing your acne or rosacea, and chucking everything we can find at it

Again, I’ve been there and know what it’s likely to be willing to try anything to fix your skin. But when we are operating from that kind of place we are stressed, overwhelmed and dysregulated.

This causes us to:

  • Make rash decisions; jumping from one skincare to the next, rattling with the amount of different supplements we’re trying not really sure what any of them are doing

  • Looking for short term wins at the cost of long term gains. I can’t tell you how I regret all the chemical peels I did for my acne. Did they help treat at the time, maybe…. but did they also set me up for a seriously damaged skin barrier later on in life? I believe so

  • Jump from one intervention to the next never giving anything enough time to work and further feeding the stress cycle and limiting belief that NOTHING WORKS!

  • Start trying things that don’t align with our values, and perhaps make us feel a bit grim, ashamed of ourselves…which just further feeds the skin > stress cycle

Investing in testing is the intervention that caused the biggest shift in my skin journey as it:

  • Gave me some concrete information to work with

  • Allowed me to drop half of the things I was trying for my skin and just focus on a handful of interventions that I knew were going to address my root causes and if I gave it enough time were going to work

  • Gave me a time frame by which I could expect to see results

  • Solved the horrendous digestive symptoms I was living with, but didn’t even know were symptoms of something being wrong with my gut as I was just so used to living like that

  • Gave me peace of mind that there was a root cause, I wasn’t just someone who was going to have acne for life

  • Actually started to believe I might be able to heal my skin

If you are ready to find the root causes for your acne or rosacea I’d love to see how I can help. Why not book in your free Clarity Call to get started.


Lean into the energy of Winter for glowing skin by Spring


Current mainstream rosacea treatment sets you up to fail, instead we need to be thinking about rosacea holistically