Leave band aid approaches at the door and work with me to unlock the root causes of your acne. Together we will work strategically and holistically to heal your skin from within.


6 month intensive programme to understand the root causes of your breakouts, heal your acne and learn to live in sync with your skin


Acne is not something that happens just in your teens

We are told acne is just hormonal or will go away on its own, yet over 50% of adult women struggle with acne. The acne skincare industry and medication market are booming yet the rates of adult acne are climbing.

Can you feel the disconnect?

It’s time to stop treating acne with band aid solutions and see it as a symptom of something deeper going on.

Are you ready to understand what’s causing your acne?



  • Trying any short term fix going (aka acne band aid) but still breaking out

  • Spending £££’s on the latest skincare product or treatment only to be let down once again

  • Feeling frustrated that nothing is working and starting to believe that there is something inherently wrong with you (trust me; there isn’t!)

  • Eating a restrictive diet for fear of breaking out

  • Feeling guilty for not sticking to said restrictive diet?

  • Missing out on life because of the way you feel about your skin and the limitations it puts on you

  • Pushing people away and feeling more and more distant from the world around you



I suffered with my skin for over 15 years

And believe me when I say I tried almost everything to fix it over the years; expensive skincare products and treatments, medication diets, supplements - you name it I tried it!

I got stuck in a damaging mindset; fighting with my skin and trying treatments that I didn’t really believe in.

When I finished my degree in nutritional therapy my acne was at its peak. Although I had all the tools for clear skin in front of me, I still believed I would never be able to heal my skin. I honestly felt like there was something wrong with me as nothing seemed to be working and life was passing me by.

It wasn’t until I changed my mindset, committed to understanding my acne and adopted a truly holistic approach to healing that things started to shift.

Skin issues are a sign of something deeper going on and my mission is to help women just like you find out exactly what is going on and correct it. This process doesn’t need to involve harsh chemicals and even stronger medications if you don’t want it too. You can achieve gorgeous healthy skin in a way that aligns with your values and lifestyle, and I’m here to show you how.

 introducing true skin transformation

This is the programme I wish I had found when I was struggling with my skin.

With me as your expert guide you can learn to understand what your acne is telling you about how your body, mind and environment and together we can create a life that supports your healing internally and externally.


  • Six one to one consultations with Chloe

  • Personalised protocol including food plan, supplement recommendations, lifestyle advice. Changed at each consultation as required. 

  • Skincare recommendations and barrier repair protocol 

  • True Skin Method, a self-paced online course including masterclasses covering gut health, hormones, diet, stress, detoxification, thyroid health and more

  • Online yoga classes, breathing exercises and guided relaxations

  • Skin Vision workshop

  • Recipe library

  • Access to my brain, enthusiasm and practical applications of leading science in women’s health and functional medicine


A 75 minute initial consultation and five follow up consults gives you time to share your skin story and discuss how your programme is progressing.


Detailed case taking, health history and diet and lifestyle review, alongside any additional testing, allows for a deep insight into your root causes and triggers. Learn which of your body systems is implicated in your acne and most importantly what to do about it.



True Skin Method is a self-paced online course for you to work through across the programme and beyond. It teaches you everything you need to know to optimise your skin, digestion and hormones using evidenced based lifestyle medicine.


Regular sessions and access to me outside of them allows you to move at a pace that feels comfortable for you, and help maintain motivation.

I can’t promise you perfect skin, but I can work with you to feel back in control of your acne to and to live in sync with your skin


Transform not only your skin but your mind, body, and life

  • A sustainable skincare regime that works for you and your skin.

  • Access to our in house skincare expert to answer all of your skincare questions, no more late night scrolling for miracle products, and evolves your regime as your needs chance.

  • Freedom over foods and the ability to enjoy a varied and nourishing diet guilt free

  • Physically stronger, mentally calmer and embracing all that life has to offer you again

  • Improve the health of your skin, body and mind.

  • Deeply connect to and understand the root causes that are causing your breakouts.

  • Stop fighting your skin and learn to live in sync with it.

  • Get informed on a woman’s physiology through the ages and empowered to support your health and wellbeing with diet and lifestyle medicine for many years to come.

  • Feel more in control over your skin and how to manage breakouts methodically and practically.


As a holistic skin nutritionist I think systemically

I think about acne holistically; acne in the context of your body - mind - environment. In the ecology of your life.

I consider not just what causes acne, but what maintains it.

By having kept the focus so narrowly on just your skin, and on getting rid of your spots as fast as you can, the entire landscape of your mind, body and environment has perhaps been left out of the equation.

Together we can work together to identify your root causes and use my 3 pillar approach to allow your skin to be a true representation of you.

THE true SKIN Nutrition pillars


Your mind and skin are not separate entities. Through our time working together you will be able to recognise the impact stress has on you, how this is contributing to your breakouts and other symptoms, and together we will create a self-care toolkit to improve your resilience to stress and create a vision for your skin that soon becomes your reality.

  • Online recorded yoga classes, breathing exercises and guided relaxations especially designed to heal acne.

    A personalised self-care toolkit created together with Chloe

    Skin Vision Workshop to get clear on your short and long term goals, and shed light on how your skin might currently be holding you back

    Regular sessions to maintain motivation and hold you accountable

nourish YOUR BODY

Acne is an external symptoms of an internal imbalance. It’s time to put acne in the context of your overall health picture and assess which of your body systems are feeding into your skin as well as the role your diet is playing.

  • Food diary analysis

    Personalised food plan

    Unlock your Acne; an online, self-paced course teaching you the latest science on each of the body systems involved in acne and how to optimise them for lasting health

    Access to functional testing and interpretation


Your skin and health are a direct reflection of what you are exposing it to. The environment pillar encompasses everything you expose your skin and body to including skincare, toxins, relationships and community. Together we work to identify what areas of your life aren’t serving you, and how you can create more balance within by modifying your environment.

    • Assessment of your environment, this can include (but is not limited to): relationships, sense of community, living conditions, environmental toxins such as mould and pollution, skincare, access to nature.

    • A bespoke skincare routine

    • Environmental Toxins handout and worksheet

 This is not another band aid approach to getting rid of your acne or a cookie cutter approach to fixing it.

True Skin Transformation is my signature programme that I have evolved over my 10 years of clinical practice. This programme will finally give you the answers you have been looking for and offer you a way out of trying to fix your acne in the dark and on your own.


  • You want to understand your root causes and triggers and are ready to make the investment in finding out.

  • You have other health symptoms affecting your quality of life such as heavy periods, bloating, loose stools, constipation, migraines, anxiety, fatigue, trouble sleeping.

  • You are sick of being brushed off by other healthcare providers as they can’t find any causes for your symptoms and they will go away on their own.

  • You have tried cutting out foods and various supplements and realise you need an expert to help you.

  • You know that stress plays a big role in you skin and are ready to understand how and what to do about it.

  • Know that you need to make lifestyle changes but don’t know where to start and want someone to hold your hand.

  • Ready to invest in your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. 


  • You are looking for a quick fix that will mean you don’t have to change anything.

  • You aren’t ready to reflect on how your thoughts, beliefs and behaviours might be contributing to your acne and other health symptoms. 

  • Don’t want to change your current diet and increase the diversity of what you eat on a regular basis.

  • You aren’t ready to adopt a 360 degree approach to your health and have no interest in changing your lifestyle.

  • You aren’t ready to show up for yourself and put in the work.

  • You are happy living a life limited by your skin.

What else is included in your True Skin Transformation?

Bonuses worth over £1000

  • True Skin Method, a self-paced online course including masterclasses covering gut health, hormones, diet, stress, detoxification, thyroid health and more

  • Each month during you programme you are invited to a live yoga and relaxation workshop, you then have access to the recording and a library of yoga classes, workshops, breathing exercise and guided meditation during the course of your programme and any ongoing membership.

  • With over 100 skin nourishing recipes to choose from including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

  • On practitioner grade supplements and True Skin Nutrition events, for life!





Let’s have a quick chat before we get started, just click the link below


6 x £199

Let’s have a quick chat before we get started, just click the link below


Continue your journey of transformation with my monthly membership from £95/month.

Want to maintain the transformation, deepen your understanding of your body and be part of an online community of like minded women? I know how hard it is to maintain change without the right support, this is why upon completing True Skin Transformation you are invited to join my monthly membership.


  • Monthly yoga workshop

  • Online yoga platform

  • Online recipe library

  • 30 minute 1:2:1 with me to review programme and supplement protocol.




  • Yes, more information can be found here. We can also use the consultation to go over a set of test results.

  • Every recommendation included in your programme is agreed by the two of us. This is a collaborative effort and my focus is always on building things in, as opposed to taking things out. I have found this to be a far gentler and more effective way in supporting clients to make change.

  • I hear you! Your programme will be designed at a pace that fits with you and your lifestyle, that’s the beauty of personalised healthcare. We are focusing on making sustainable diet and lifestyle changes for life, not just as a quick fix. As I always say to clients; it’s a marathon not a race.

  • Approximately 30-60 minutes per week either in consults, classes or going through the programme.

  • Many of my clients have had acne for as long as they can remember, most don’t recall a time in their life when they didn’t have spots. I don’t promise results - you are the one doing the work after all - but I am confident in being able to provide my clients with answers and solutions in optimising their skin and health.

  • I recommend testing based on your history, symptoms and goals. Where possible I like to start with a full Comprehensive Metabolic Blood Profile, more information can be found here