unlock your acne and find freedom in your skin with my access anytime body-balancing, skin-nourishing course

Feeling confident and calm in your skin just got simple

You already know that your diet and lifestyle has a big impact on your health and skin. But cutting through the wealth of conflicting information out there can feel overwhelming and confusing, perhaps there is also a part of you that doesn’t really believe that you can heal your skin naturally - and that’s ok - how are you supposed to know?

With my self-guided programme, you’ll discover a clear and flexible framework to understand what your skin is trying to tell you, and say bye bye to breakouts for good.

Are you…

  • exhausted, and broke, from all the topical treatments you’ve tried only for your skin to get worse

  • overwhelmed + confused with all the conflicting advice your prolific Google searches have thrown up and ready for clarity and expert guidance

  • over controlling your skin with pills

  • convinced that other symptoms you have such as bloating or headaches must be linked with your skin

  • looking for a holistic approach to heal your skin that is flexible + suits your values and lifestyle


  • having a clear understanding of what is upsetting your skin and a step by step plan to restore balance from within

  • not second guessing every decision you make because of fear of what it might do to your skin

  • feeling confident on how to feed your skin all that it needs with an inclusive approach to food that nourishes, not punishes!

  • removing the guilt from enjoying holidays and nights out with your loved ones

  • cut through the skinfluencer rabbit hole and follow a flexible formula from a qualified specialist who has been where you are with your skin and poured her tops lessons and tips into a plan that you can adapt and flex and that works for you

  • not having your emotions ruled by your skin


I’m Chloe, the holistic approach to your skin troubles you’ve been looking for..

One of my biggest learnings from my 10 years as a nutritional therapist is inflammation on the skin is never just down to one thing. Whilst I talk about finding the root cause of your skin symptoms, it’s really more like 3 or 4, but don’t despair, they all have something in common…

An imbalance within your BODY, MIND, HEART and ENVIRONMENT is at the root of your breakouts and inflamed skin.

To heal your skin for good you need to balance your BODY, support your MIND, connect with your HEART and elevate your ENVIRONMENT and Sync with your Skin guides you in the essential steps to do that.

In Sync with your Skin you will learn why treatments that don’t consider all of these angles is likely to result in your skin symptoms returning and persisting. This is what I see time and time again with every new client.

I’ve created Sync with your Skin to help you cut through the overwhelm when it comes to inflammed skin and gives you the foundational tools to navigate eating for skin health and creating balance in the body to allow your skin to start healing itself.

These are tools that won’t just heal your skin, but are foundation steps in optimising your overall health that you can refer back to for life.

What’s included:

Knowledge, power and understanding of what’s causing your acne and the message your skin is telling you

A tried + tested, step-by-step flexible framework rooted in science that will support your skin from within

Clear explanations around the processes and habits that are upsetting your skin barrier and autonomy on how you want to fix it

Recipe books, handouts, masterclasses and guided tutorials teaching you to Sync with your Skin

Easy lifetime access to the course and content through online portal and app.

your investment

Self-study essentials course (including webinars, handouts, to-do’s + recipe book)




  • Sync with your Skin is a self-paced online course teaching you how to heal your skin barrier under the 3 pillars of Body, Mind + Environment. The content is delivered through a combination of webinars, handouts and tips all delivered straight to your inbox.

  • No but there is an option to upgrade to include a 45 minute consultation with Chloe including supplement prescription.

  • No these need to be considered on an individual basis, you can upgrade to include a consultation with Chloe

  • True Skin Transformation is my signature 1:1 coaching programme. Sync with your Skin is an excellent preparation for making the most out of TST.

  • You can upgrade to include a 1:1 with Chloe and also are eligible for a discount off TST and my DNA Packages within 3 months of purchasing Sync with your Skin.

  • Due to the nature of this course we cannot offer refunds but encourage you to reach out and share your feedback and we will see how we can help.

  • The course is a great foundation for anyone wanting to heal their skin barrier but if you have complex health conditions or diagnoses, I would recommend working with me 1:1 or setting up a Clarity Call to see if it’s the right fit.

  • Although the course has been designed to optimise your skin barrier health, sadly I cannot guarantee it will fully heal your acne, rosacea or perioral dermatitis.

  • Vegan or veggie clients often require more personalisation, blood testing and 1:1 support so if you are planning to stay veggie or vegan, I would recommend looking at my 1:1 support.