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Your Brain in Perimenopause: a workshop for improved anxiety, sleep and mood

An informative, practical and evidence based masterclass for anyone wishing to better inform themselves around this natural hormone shift led by female hormone specialist Chloe Manlay. 

Menopause has become quite the buzz word, but the reality is an estimated 13 million women in the UK are peri or menopausal and are experiencing it with no education and little more support than pills. 

Perimenopause is far more than just the cessation of periods, it is a total rewiring of your brain and in this fact-focused masterclass Chloe will be guiding you through what happens in the brain during peri menopause; the 10-15 year before menopause, and how these changes so often lead to symptoms of low mood, anxiety, brain fog and hot flashes. 

She will be sharing her top nutrition and lifestyle tips to support the menopause transition as well as what tests are available to women to better understand how they can personalise and improve their perimenopause experience.

We will be covering:

• Symptoms of perimenopause • Why anxiety, depression, hot flashes and insomnia are so common and how nutritional therapy can improve these symptoms • My 5 top tips for a more rested, happy and balanced menopause transition • Is there a test for perimenopause

October 20

Nourished Cycle; a workshop for better periods

January 6